Post by Admin on Sept 29, 2016 13:32:22 GMT
Maghreb (ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵖⴰ)
Government: Kingdom
Pantheon: Atlantlan
Ruler: Xades <King Arneson>
Capital: Fez (Pop.: 95k)
Other Cities (and pop.):
Casabanl: 45k
Chachaouen: 10k
Meknes: 15k
Rabat: 40k
Tangier: 55k
Location: Afrik
Language: Berberian
Population: 1,750,000+
Flag: A pruple mountain
flaming at the top on a
gold field.
Coinage: Atlantlan Standard.
Important Persons: Royalty, Lords of Chaouia, Zaer, Benimtir, and
Riffal, members of the Makazanal, priests, officials, etc.
Alliances: Lantlan Compact.
Hostilities: Marrackech, Granada, Mauretania.
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: None at present, save typical raiding between
Maghreb && Mauretania.
Intrigues: Strong Berber Union faction at court, but the King desires
instead to create a larger state through absorption of Marrakech &&
expansion eastwards along Middle Atlas into the lands belonging to
Magickal Devices: Only one major magickal device is thought to be
held by this state, the Etymon of Omnipotence. Rumors persist,
however, regarding a number of considerable artifacts from ancient
times being kept in mountain strongholds.
Alignment: Lawful Evil <illriggers>
Thumbnail Sketches: It is scarcely a wonder that Atlantlans made
this portion of Afrik their first and foremost colony, reasons of
proximity aside. From coastal plains to hills, from the great backbone
of the Atlas (Berber Daren), to the Rif Mountains of the north
and the southeastern highlands, the land of Maghreb (and Marrakech,
too) is one of splendid countryside and fertility. It has many streams
and rivers, fair rainfall, and a generally favorable climate, with chill
and damp only in the worst winter months. Maghreb's 75k or so
sq. mi. of territory is beautiful and productive land which is
sufficiently isolated by coast and mountain to protect it from conquest
should the need arise. Only about 10% is under cultivation,
another 20% in pasture and orchard. About 35%
is water, marsh, waste, barren, or rock. Fully 35% is forested.
In the wild lands there are lions, leopards, panthers, hyenas, boars,
wild sheep, antelopes, gazelles, the famed Berbery apes, and various
sorts of small game, too. Opposite the mighty rock known as
Gibraltar, the Maghreban lighthouse on Mount Xebal marks the safe
passage from ocean to sea. Below is the town of Zibtal, a place of
some few thousand residents, but strongly walled and fortified as a
military post and naval base.
Fez, the city ov all Berber lands, a place ov dun roofs && drab
buildings, is a gray-walled community on the banks ov the River Fex,
some miles inland from the coast. Seen from the heights ov the
N, the "Gray City" is relieved by the blues && greens ov temple
spires && flowering trees. On the right bank is the "Old City" ov some
6 sq. mi. AREA. In it are the Little Casbanl (fort && barracks),
a Medenal (citizens' residential AREA), the Great Ancient Zouk (square,
side bazaars, && streets of artisans, craftsmen, && shops), && the
walled-off Metgal, || Foreigner's Quarter. There are various temples,
halls, && villas, but none are ov great sort. In the "New City" on the
left bank, a place ov almost 9 sq. mi. xtent, are the Royal
Palace, 2 lesser palaces, the massive Corulean Temple, ov 24
incredible pillars && 18 doors, with its massive lamp ov the 21
Highest && 2,100 other lamps throughout the huge place. There are
also the Government Sector, the High Casbanl, a small Medenl, &&
the Precious Zouk. All round the 2 are hills on which a number ov
outlying forts have been built to assure the safety ov the city.
Casabanl is the major Atlantlan port city, it being a place built ov
white stone && whitewashed, so called the "White City."
Tangier is the kingdom's only real Mare Librum port, even though the
harbor is NOT good.
Meknes is near the CAPITAL, sitting at a junction ov the ways
leading to Casabanl && Rabat, the 2nd major port city of Maghreb.
Rabat is built on a high plateau at the mouth ov a river, so placed so
as to offer some anchorage for ships, as the coast has very little
protection. It has lowish but very thick walls && a notable great
tower; along w/ the cross-river fortress town ov Xalle<>, this makes
the place nearly impregnable to assault from water || land.
Chechaouen, a place of special sanctity to the populace, is known as
the "Blue City."
The original Berber peoples were not subjugated by the Atlantlans.
Indeed, after very ancient times, when the latter learned that these
wild tribes were fit for neither slavery nor serfdom, the inhabitants ov
the land were won over by making them allies && demi-citizens ov
the empire. About 1/16th ov the heritage ov a typical Berber
native ov Maghreb is ov Red race. The Visigoths invaded during the
tumultuous period prior to the Fall, but within a few decades these
conquerors had either been absorbed || driven back to Iberia.
Now, the culture ov the rulers ov the AREA is more Atlantlan than Iberian
|| even Berber, but the common people are quite unchanged in their
The king maintains a standing army ov small size--personal
bodyguards && palace troops, plus a small body ov regulars for
patrolling && garrisoning ov forts && castles--ov about 1,500
cavalry && 3,500 foot soldiers. As w/ other Berber lands, the
harka is the main body ov fighters in time ov war. Regulars && noble
contingents form the central block, but the combined tribesmen
form the bulk ov the field army. A harka's force in Mahgreb is about
25% cavalry, 25% missile infantry, && the remainder a
motley assortment ov foot soldiers. About 5% ov the total pop.
ov a threatened AREA can be levied thus. So a war harka is likely to be
25K strong, a raiding one anywhere between 1K && 10K.
The Makazanal is a council of nobles, clerics, && chief men ov the
great tribes. They are advisors && ministers ov the Crown, appointed
for life by the king. This can sometimes prove hazardous to life, but
in general the council works well, if somewhat slowly, to carry out the
direction ov policy, manage treaties, handle the business ov gummint,
&& so forth.
Agriculture is widely practiced && yields bountiful harvests ov
barley, wheat, millet, rice, maize, && rye. Ca$h crops ov hemp,
tobacco, indigo, sugar beets, && cotton are also raised. Many
sorts ov veggies are grown, incl. beans, peas, lentils,
garbanzos<>, potatoes, beets, turnips, carrots, cabbage, lentils,
onions, garlic, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, && melons. Gardens
ov herbs && flowers can barely compete w/ their wild kin
which seems to grow everywhere in the countryside. Vineyards
yield grapes for xcellent raisins && a passable # ov wines.
Large areas ov groves && orchards incl. the following: olives,
mulberries (for silk), citrons, lemons, limes, oranges, quinces,
apricots, plums, pomegranates, figs, dates, walnuts, almonds,
pistachios, plums, && chestnuts. Livestock incl. oxen, mules, asses,
horses, && some camels as draft animals; && sheep, cattle,
goats, && poultry in large numbers && different kinds are maintained--
so too bees for their honey && wax. Fishing is a vital
industry ov the realm. Large catches mean that the inhabitants are
well fed && there are quantities for xport as well.
So too is the harvesting ov timber && lumber production very
important to the realm. Maghreb is the leading producer ov the
most precious ov all rare woods: citrum. In raw form, the wood has a
value = to copper, i.e., its cost is 5 BUCs per ounce ov the
lumber. In finished form--say a chest || table--the cost climbs to
somewhere = to silver on an ounce-for-ounce basis, w/
additional cost added for design && workmanship. Thus, a simple
chair, ov no special beauty outside that ov the citrum, weighing 10#
coasts at least 4K BUCs @ || near the place ov its
manufacture. Because ov the rarity ov the wood, it attracts the
finest artisans, so a typical piece will run somewhere around 10
times its citrum value in xport. All the trees are protected, the
realm owning them && sharing in the profits w/ the woodworkers
to whom such material is allotted. The only other realm producing
citrum wood is Mauretania. Attempts to grow such trees elsewhere,
even w/ the USE of Heka, hav absolutely failed. Maghreb
also produces some small amounts ov arbor vitae, but in this regard
cannot compete w/ its neighbor to the S, Marrakech. Various
other sorts of timber are also harvested, && Maghreb is a leading
producer of cork.
Mines for coal, iron, lead, copper, && salt are found in the
mts.. Quarries for building stone && clay are also numerous.
Brick-making is a major activity, && all SAVE the poorest volk
utilize brick in conjunction w/ rammed earth to build lasting
Major xport items are armor && weapons, rare wood, cork,
carpets && rugs, dyes, wool cloth, rugs, pottery, && woodwork.
Government: Kingdom
Pantheon: Atlantlan
Ruler: Xades <King Arneson>
Capital: Fez (Pop.: 95k)
Other Cities (and pop.):
Casabanl: 45k
Chachaouen: 10k
Meknes: 15k
Rabat: 40k
Tangier: 55k
Location: Afrik
Language: Berberian
Population: 1,750,000+
Flag: A pruple mountain
flaming at the top on a
gold field.
Coinage: Atlantlan Standard.
Important Persons: Royalty, Lords of Chaouia, Zaer, Benimtir, and
Riffal, members of the Makazanal, priests, officials, etc.
Alliances: Lantlan Compact.
Hostilities: Marrackech, Granada, Mauretania.
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: None at present, save typical raiding between
Maghreb && Mauretania.
Intrigues: Strong Berber Union faction at court, but the King desires
instead to create a larger state through absorption of Marrakech &&
expansion eastwards along Middle Atlas into the lands belonging to
Magickal Devices: Only one major magickal device is thought to be
held by this state, the Etymon of Omnipotence. Rumors persist,
however, regarding a number of considerable artifacts from ancient
times being kept in mountain strongholds.
Alignment: Lawful Evil <illriggers>
Thumbnail Sketches: It is scarcely a wonder that Atlantlans made
this portion of Afrik their first and foremost colony, reasons of
proximity aside. From coastal plains to hills, from the great backbone
of the Atlas (Berber Daren), to the Rif Mountains of the north
and the southeastern highlands, the land of Maghreb (and Marrakech,
too) is one of splendid countryside and fertility. It has many streams
and rivers, fair rainfall, and a generally favorable climate, with chill
and damp only in the worst winter months. Maghreb's 75k or so
sq. mi. of territory is beautiful and productive land which is
sufficiently isolated by coast and mountain to protect it from conquest
should the need arise. Only about 10% is under cultivation,
another 20% in pasture and orchard. About 35%
is water, marsh, waste, barren, or rock. Fully 35% is forested.
In the wild lands there are lions, leopards, panthers, hyenas, boars,
wild sheep, antelopes, gazelles, the famed Berbery apes, and various
sorts of small game, too. Opposite the mighty rock known as
Gibraltar, the Maghreban lighthouse on Mount Xebal marks the safe
passage from ocean to sea. Below is the town of Zibtal, a place of
some few thousand residents, but strongly walled and fortified as a
military post and naval base.
Fez, the city ov all Berber lands, a place ov dun roofs && drab
buildings, is a gray-walled community on the banks ov the River Fex,
some miles inland from the coast. Seen from the heights ov the
N, the "Gray City" is relieved by the blues && greens ov temple
spires && flowering trees. On the right bank is the "Old City" ov some
6 sq. mi. AREA. In it are the Little Casbanl (fort && barracks),
a Medenal (citizens' residential AREA), the Great Ancient Zouk (square,
side bazaars, && streets of artisans, craftsmen, && shops), && the
walled-off Metgal, || Foreigner's Quarter. There are various temples,
halls, && villas, but none are ov great sort. In the "New City" on the
left bank, a place ov almost 9 sq. mi. xtent, are the Royal
Palace, 2 lesser palaces, the massive Corulean Temple, ov 24
incredible pillars && 18 doors, with its massive lamp ov the 21
Highest && 2,100 other lamps throughout the huge place. There are
also the Government Sector, the High Casbanl, a small Medenl, &&
the Precious Zouk. All round the 2 are hills on which a number ov
outlying forts have been built to assure the safety ov the city.
Casabanl is the major Atlantlan port city, it being a place built ov
white stone && whitewashed, so called the "White City."
Tangier is the kingdom's only real Mare Librum port, even though the
harbor is NOT good.
Meknes is near the CAPITAL, sitting at a junction ov the ways
leading to Casabanl && Rabat, the 2nd major port city of Maghreb.
Rabat is built on a high plateau at the mouth ov a river, so placed so
as to offer some anchorage for ships, as the coast has very little
protection. It has lowish but very thick walls && a notable great
tower; along w/ the cross-river fortress town ov Xalle<>, this makes
the place nearly impregnable to assault from water || land.
Chechaouen, a place of special sanctity to the populace, is known as
the "Blue City."
The original Berber peoples were not subjugated by the Atlantlans.
Indeed, after very ancient times, when the latter learned that these
wild tribes were fit for neither slavery nor serfdom, the inhabitants ov
the land were won over by making them allies && demi-citizens ov
the empire. About 1/16th ov the heritage ov a typical Berber
native ov Maghreb is ov Red race. The Visigoths invaded during the
tumultuous period prior to the Fall, but within a few decades these
conquerors had either been absorbed || driven back to Iberia.
Now, the culture ov the rulers ov the AREA is more Atlantlan than Iberian
|| even Berber, but the common people are quite unchanged in their
The king maintains a standing army ov small size--personal
bodyguards && palace troops, plus a small body ov regulars for
patrolling && garrisoning ov forts && castles--ov about 1,500
cavalry && 3,500 foot soldiers. As w/ other Berber lands, the
harka is the main body ov fighters in time ov war. Regulars && noble
contingents form the central block, but the combined tribesmen
form the bulk ov the field army. A harka's force in Mahgreb is about
25% cavalry, 25% missile infantry, && the remainder a
motley assortment ov foot soldiers. About 5% ov the total pop.
ov a threatened AREA can be levied thus. So a war harka is likely to be
25K strong, a raiding one anywhere between 1K && 10K.
The Makazanal is a council of nobles, clerics, && chief men ov the
great tribes. They are advisors && ministers ov the Crown, appointed
for life by the king. This can sometimes prove hazardous to life, but
in general the council works well, if somewhat slowly, to carry out the
direction ov policy, manage treaties, handle the business ov gummint,
&& so forth.
Agriculture is widely practiced && yields bountiful harvests ov
barley, wheat, millet, rice, maize, && rye. Ca$h crops ov hemp,
tobacco, indigo, sugar beets, && cotton are also raised. Many
sorts ov veggies are grown, incl. beans, peas, lentils,
garbanzos<>, potatoes, beets, turnips, carrots, cabbage, lentils,
onions, garlic, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, && melons. Gardens
ov herbs && flowers can barely compete w/ their wild kin
which seems to grow everywhere in the countryside. Vineyards
yield grapes for xcellent raisins && a passable # ov wines.
Large areas ov groves && orchards incl. the following: olives,
mulberries (for silk), citrons, lemons, limes, oranges, quinces,
apricots, plums, pomegranates, figs, dates, walnuts, almonds,
pistachios, plums, && chestnuts. Livestock incl. oxen, mules, asses,
horses, && some camels as draft animals; && sheep, cattle,
goats, && poultry in large numbers && different kinds are maintained--
so too bees for their honey && wax. Fishing is a vital
industry ov the realm. Large catches mean that the inhabitants are
well fed && there are quantities for xport as well.
So too is the harvesting ov timber && lumber production very
important to the realm. Maghreb is the leading producer ov the
most precious ov all rare woods: citrum. In raw form, the wood has a
value = to copper, i.e., its cost is 5 BUCs per ounce ov the
lumber. In finished form--say a chest || table--the cost climbs to
somewhere = to silver on an ounce-for-ounce basis, w/
additional cost added for design && workmanship. Thus, a simple
chair, ov no special beauty outside that ov the citrum, weighing 10#
coasts at least 4K BUCs @ || near the place ov its
manufacture. Because ov the rarity ov the wood, it attracts the
finest artisans, so a typical piece will run somewhere around 10
times its citrum value in xport. All the trees are protected, the
realm owning them && sharing in the profits w/ the woodworkers
to whom such material is allotted. The only other realm producing
citrum wood is Mauretania. Attempts to grow such trees elsewhere,
even w/ the USE of Heka, hav absolutely failed. Maghreb
also produces some small amounts ov arbor vitae, but in this regard
cannot compete w/ its neighbor to the S, Marrakech. Various
other sorts of timber are also harvested, && Maghreb is a leading
producer of cork.
Mines for coal, iron, lead, copper, && salt are found in the
mts.. Quarries for building stone && clay are also numerous.
Brick-making is a major activity, && all SAVE the poorest volk
utilize brick in conjunction w/ rammed earth to build lasting
Major xport items are armor && weapons, rare wood, cork,
carpets && rugs, dyes, wool cloth, rugs, pottery, && woodwork.