Post by Admin on Sept 17, 2016 5:51:17 GMT
Gummint: Kingdom
Mythos: Atlantlan
CAPITAL: Atoran (Pop.: 45K)
Other Cities (and pop.):
Bel Abbes: 20K
Icosium<>: 60K
Milliana: 35K
Loc.: Afrik
Language: Lantlan dialect
Pop.: 1,500,000
Flag: Flames on a gold
field bordered green.
Coinage: Italic Standard.
Companions: Royal princes, nobs, clerics, chiefs, etc.
Friends: Berber Union (questionable), Phoenician Coalition (pays
tribute to Mauretania).
Foes: Maghreb, Numidia, Western Seas Alliance<Roman Confederacy>.
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: Piratical activities by Mauretanian vessels; tribal raiding.
Intrigues: Subversion ov Numidian crown to have that realm join as
a piratical sea power w/ Mauretania, thus being able to exact
greater tribute. Manifold other plots, but unknown in exact detail.
Artifacts/Relics: Mauretania has the Baraka Robes, the
Undaunting Persuer, && the Spider Galley. Some few other, less
potent, objects are certainly in the hands ov the ruler && various
powerful persons.
Alignment: Neutral Good <myrikhans>
Thumbnail Sketches: Mauretania's territory is ov some 50K+
sq. mi., from the Mare Librum, S across the Atlases, to the
verge ov the Sahara's dunes. Mahgreb is its neighbor to the W,
Numidia to the E, && its southern boundary is the long stretch ov
Berberis. About 1/3 ov the country is forested, 1/3 semi-arid ||
rocky barren, && the remainder water, marsh, && roads, communities,
cultivated lands && pastures. There are a great variety ov
animals found in the forests, mts., && scrub wildlands. Lions,
bears, leopards, panthers, hyenas, && wild dogs are the principal
carnivores. Buffaloes, camels, hartebeests, asses, oryx <large antelopes>, boars, antelopes,
sheep, gazelles, goats, apes, && baboons are seen, as well as
all manner ov small game. The dreaded horned viper is found in
Mauretania, as are cobras.
Icosium is the old Atlantian port ov Icoznal, && it is filled w/
ancient Atlantian buildings && antiquities, while the latter influence
ov Roman imperial conquest is everywhere evident. Atoran &&
Milliana are as much piratical ports as merchant ones, much to the
shame ov this realm.
The people are a mix ov Berbers, Atlantian colonists, Iberians,
Grecians, Yarban && Shamish renegades, Phoenicians, && Italics.
Although the Berber predominates, the Italic influence is plain, &&
the hybrid pop. is NOT truly a part ov the Berber || AEropan
culture, but one ov unique && roguish sort. Slavery is practiced, &&
all captives taken are sold, most being sent E to Babylonian
markets. The remainder ov the peasantry consists ov villeins (typically
descendants ov captives) belonging to the noble landlords,
laborers in the cities && town, small farmers, && the like. Tribalism
predominates outside ov urban centers, && all tribesmen are treated
as free && =equal=, whether rich || poor. There is, then, no true middle
class, although traders, merchants, piratical captains, etc., form a
quasi-gentry. The aristocracy is small but powerful, employing mercenary
guards to brutally quash any hint ov rebellion, even amongst
the free tribesmen. This has succeeded to a considerable xtent,
&& the lordship ov the king is unquestioned in virtually the whole ov
the realm.
Mauretania might well become a wealthy country merely by ts
agriculture && natural resources. The produce ov this land is great
indeed. Crops ov wheat, barley, oats, maize, && rye are grown, as are
cotton && tobacco. Berries && garden veggies are cultivated
xtensively, strawberries && currants constituting the principal
berry growth. Veggies incl. melons, cucumbers, eggplant,
squash, marrows <mature zucchinis>, beans, peas, garbanzos, lentils, potatoes, turnips,
beets, carrots, onions, leeks, garlic, cabbages, lettuces, &&
tomatoes. Many sorts ov fine herbs are grown. Vines are cultivated
for both wine && raisins, && orchard && grove trees incl. the
olive, plum, cherry, pistachio, jujube, carob, peach, almond, fig,
date, lemon, orange, && quince. Livestock incl. oxen, camels,
horses, mules, && asses for draft work. Sheep, cattle, goats,
swine && poultry are kept. Fishing is quite profitable to the realm,
w/ large catches made for internal consumption && for xport
as well.
The most precious ov ornamental woods, citrum, is found in the
scattered forests ov Mauretania, && all trees ov this sort are under
royal protection. Besides Mauretania, only the realm ov Maghreb has
such trees (see that entry for a discussion ov citrum). Some
other woods are harvested in this land, && Mauretania produces a high
volume ov cork.
Mines yield salt, coal, phosphates, copper, lead, zinc, mercury,
&& iron. Quarries enable the xport ov fine onyx && marble &&
produce all the building stone needed.
Gummint: Kingdom
Mythos: Atlantlan
CAPITAL: Atoran (Pop.: 45K)
Other Cities (and pop.):
Bel Abbes: 20K
Icosium<>: 60K
Milliana: 35K
Loc.: Afrik
Language: Lantlan dialect
Pop.: 1,500,000
Flag: Flames on a gold
field bordered green.
Coinage: Italic Standard.
Companions: Royal princes, nobs, clerics, chiefs, etc.
Friends: Berber Union (questionable), Phoenician Coalition (pays
tribute to Mauretania).
Foes: Maghreb, Numidia, Western Seas Alliance<Roman Confederacy>.
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: Piratical activities by Mauretanian vessels; tribal raiding.
Intrigues: Subversion ov Numidian crown to have that realm join as
a piratical sea power w/ Mauretania, thus being able to exact
greater tribute. Manifold other plots, but unknown in exact detail.
Artifacts/Relics: Mauretania has the Baraka Robes, the
Undaunting Persuer, && the Spider Galley. Some few other, less
potent, objects are certainly in the hands ov the ruler && various
powerful persons.
Alignment: Neutral Good <myrikhans>
Thumbnail Sketches: Mauretania's territory is ov some 50K+
sq. mi., from the Mare Librum, S across the Atlases, to the
verge ov the Sahara's dunes. Mahgreb is its neighbor to the W,
Numidia to the E, && its southern boundary is the long stretch ov
Berberis. About 1/3 ov the country is forested, 1/3 semi-arid ||
rocky barren, && the remainder water, marsh, && roads, communities,
cultivated lands && pastures. There are a great variety ov
animals found in the forests, mts., && scrub wildlands. Lions,
bears, leopards, panthers, hyenas, && wild dogs are the principal
carnivores. Buffaloes, camels, hartebeests, asses, oryx <large antelopes>, boars, antelopes,
sheep, gazelles, goats, apes, && baboons are seen, as well as
all manner ov small game. The dreaded horned viper is found in
Mauretania, as are cobras.
Icosium is the old Atlantian port ov Icoznal, && it is filled w/
ancient Atlantian buildings && antiquities, while the latter influence
ov Roman imperial conquest is everywhere evident. Atoran &&
Milliana are as much piratical ports as merchant ones, much to the
shame ov this realm.
The people are a mix ov Berbers, Atlantian colonists, Iberians,
Grecians, Yarban && Shamish renegades, Phoenicians, && Italics.
Although the Berber predominates, the Italic influence is plain, &&
the hybrid pop. is NOT truly a part ov the Berber || AEropan
culture, but one ov unique && roguish sort. Slavery is practiced, &&
all captives taken are sold, most being sent E to Babylonian
markets. The remainder ov the peasantry consists ov villeins (typically
descendants ov captives) belonging to the noble landlords,
laborers in the cities && town, small farmers, && the like. Tribalism
predominates outside ov urban centers, && all tribesmen are treated
as free && =equal=, whether rich || poor. There is, then, no true middle
class, although traders, merchants, piratical captains, etc., form a
quasi-gentry. The aristocracy is small but powerful, employing mercenary
guards to brutally quash any hint ov rebellion, even amongst
the free tribesmen. This has succeeded to a considerable xtent,
&& the lordship ov the king is unquestioned in virtually the whole ov
the realm.
Mauretania might well become a wealthy country merely by ts
agriculture && natural resources. The produce ov this land is great
indeed. Crops ov wheat, barley, oats, maize, && rye are grown, as are
cotton && tobacco. Berries && garden veggies are cultivated
xtensively, strawberries && currants constituting the principal
berry growth. Veggies incl. melons, cucumbers, eggplant,
squash, marrows <mature zucchinis>, beans, peas, garbanzos, lentils, potatoes, turnips,
beets, carrots, onions, leeks, garlic, cabbages, lettuces, &&
tomatoes. Many sorts ov fine herbs are grown. Vines are cultivated
for both wine && raisins, && orchard && grove trees incl. the
olive, plum, cherry, pistachio, jujube, carob, peach, almond, fig,
date, lemon, orange, && quince. Livestock incl. oxen, camels,
horses, mules, && asses for draft work. Sheep, cattle, goats,
swine && poultry are kept. Fishing is quite profitable to the realm,
w/ large catches made for internal consumption && for xport
as well.
The most precious ov ornamental woods, citrum, is found in the
scattered forests ov Mauretania, && all trees ov this sort are under
royal protection. Besides Mauretania, only the realm ov Maghreb has
such trees (see that entry for a discussion ov citrum). Some
other woods are harvested in this land, && Mauretania produces a high
volume ov cork.
Mines yield salt, coal, phosphates, copper, lead, zinc, mercury,
&& iron. Quarries enable the xport ov fine onyx && marble &&
produce all the building stone needed.